

The gnome kid from the last Heroes Wanted character designs changed slightly. Now she has red hair and freckles :) Otherwise I've been working on prop designs for the counsellor's office background. For Shelterbox not much except tweaks and trying to get everything done on time. I wish the schedule had been better, although losing a team member who was animating was a definite setback. Dust final revision was given the green light so I'm glad to have gotten that done.


Character designs for Heroes Wanted (in my style and the film's), as well as a test background (incomplete) from the workshop we held. For the Shelterbox project, the remainder of the layouts, plus most backgrounds are done. Underwent revisions Final layout Revised version Additionally I helped out inbetweening a shot. The Dust storyboard has gone back for two revisions - mostly to do with changes in shot or action. Thank fully most changes are fairly minor and I am very happy with how it's shaping up. Currently working on the fourth and (hopefully) final version.


For Heroes Wanted, sketches to determine layout of a room. The background brush set was uploaded so I can start experimenting with that too. Initial room backgrounds for the Shelterbox project, plus the start of layouts. Additionally, the first storyboard for the Dust project was completed and sent off for revisions.